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ruby-sass-listen (V) listens to file modifications and notifies
ruby-SDL Ruby extension library to use SDL library
ruby-semantic_puppet Useful tools for working with Semantic Versions
ruby-setup Common installer script for ruby packages
ruby-sexp-processor Generic sexp processing tools
ruby-shoulda (V) Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes
ruby-shoulda-context Context framework extracted from Shoulda
ruby-shoulda-matchers Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes
ruby-simple_uuid Simple, scalable UUID generation for Ruby
ruby-simplecov Code coverage for Ruby 1.9+
ruby-simplecov-html Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool
ruby-simpleidn Punycode ACE to unicode UTF-8 (and vice-verse) string conversion
ruby-spruz Some miscellaneous libraries
ruby-stomp Ruby library for the Stomp protocol
ruby-stream Interface for external iterators
ruby-subexec Subexec spawns an external command with a timeout
ruby-subversion Ruby bindings for Subversion
ruby-sync Module that provides a two-phase lock with a counter
ruby-templater Tool copy files and render templates using ERB
ruby-term-ansicolor Ruby library colors strings using ANSI escape sequences
ruby-termcolor ANSI color formatting like HTML for output in terminal
ruby-test-spec BDD interface over Test::Unit
ruby-test-unit Improved version of Test::Unit
ruby-test-unit-notify Test result notify extension for Ruby Test::Util
ruby-thor Scripting framework that replaces rake, sake and rubigen
ruby-thrift Ruby bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
ruby-thrift_client Thrift client wrapper for Ruby
ruby-tins Not good/big enough for a real library
ruby-tomlrb Racc based toml parser
ruby-tty-box Draw various frames and boxes in terminal interface
ruby-tty-color Terminal color capabilities detection
ruby-tty-cursor Terminal cursor positioning, visibility and text manipulation
ruby-tty-prompt Beautiful and powerful interactive command line prompt
ruby-tty-reader Set of methods for processing keyboard input
ruby-tty-screen Terminal screen size detection
ruby-turn Test::Unit Reporter (New) -- new output format for Test::Unit
ruby-uglifier Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor
ruby-uuidtools Simple universally unique ID generation library
ruby-validatable Library for adding database/object validations
ruby-wisper Providing objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities
ruby-wmi-lite Lightweight, low-dependency wrapper for basic WMI functionality
ruby-yell Your Extensible Logging Library
ruby-zeitwerk Efficient and thread-safe constant autoloader
ruby-zookeeper Zookeeper bindings for Ruby
ruby2ruby Pure Ruby code from Ruby S-expressions
rubymine-bin JetBrain\'s ruby IDE
rudiments C++ class library for client/server/daemon applications
rvm Recoverable Virtual Memory
sablecc Java based Compiler Compiler
samurai Ninja-compatible build tool written in C
scintilla Source code editing component
scmcvs Concurrent Versions System
scons Python-based, open-source build system
sdcc Cross compile 8051 code
sdcc3 Cross compile microcontroller code
SDL Simple DirectMedia Layer, a cross-platform multimedia library
SDL_gfx Basic drawing routines for SDL
SDL_Pango Connects the text rendering engine of GNOME 2.x. with SDL
SDL_ttf Use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications
SDL-intro-en Simple DirectMedia Layer introduction (English)
SDL-intro-ko Simple DirectMedia Layer introduction (Korean)
SDL2 Simple DirectMedia Layer - cross-platform multimedia library
SDLmm C++ Wrapper for the Simple DirectMedia Layer
semantic Lexer, parser-generator, and parser written for Emacs
semi Emacs lisp library to provide MIME feature
sfslite Standard version of the sfslite library
sgb The Stanford GraphBase
shtk Application toolkit for POSIX-compliant shell scripts
shunit2 Unit test framework for Bourne based shell scripts
silc-toolkit Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) protocol Toolkit
skalibs The C system programming library
slib Portable Scheme library of compatibility and utility functions
slibtool Surrogate libtool implementation, written in C
sloccount Counting physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC)
smake Highly portable UNIX make implementation
sml-mode Emacs mode for editing Standard ML source code
smpeg (V) SDL MPEG Player Library
snappy General purpose data compression library
snappy-java10 Snappy compressor/decompressor for Java
sofia-sip Open-source SIP User-Agent library
SOPE Framework for writing clever web servers driven by objects
SOPE4 Framework for writing clever web servers driven by objects
sparse Semantic parser for C
sparsehash Extremely memory-efficient hash_map implementation
spdlog Fast C++ logging library
spiff Make controlled approximate comparisons between files
spin Formal correctness prover
splint Statically check C programs
st Non-preemptive thread library for Internet applications
startbug1 Light weight Bug Tracking System written in C and Perl
stfl Library which implements a curses-based widget set for text terminals
stgit Stacked GIT
subversion Version control system, meta-package
subversion-base Version control system, base programs and libraries
sunifdef Tool for eliminating superfluous C preprocessor conditionals
svk Decentralized version control system built on Subversion
svn-bisect Bisect SVN repositories to find a particular change
swig Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 1)
swig2 Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2)
swig3 Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 3)